Open/R CLI: breeze

breeze is a python click based CLI tool to query Open/R’s state. It allows you to inspect many components of Open/R. This includes:

  • Link state database

  • Advertised prefix database

  • Links discovered by Open/R

  • Neighbors

  • Computed routes along with Loop-Free Alternates

  • Programmed routes in FIB

  • Set/Unset overload bit for node and links or custom metrics on links

  • Add/Del/Modify keys in KvStore

How it Works

All Open/R modules expose various Thrift APIs to access their internal state over TCP transport. Open/R has python based clients for each module which Breeze leverages to talk to Open/R, retrieve information, and display it

How to use breeze

Breeze is very intuitive to use. Just do --help at any stage to see options, arguments, and subcommands. Later sections cover about each command in detail.

$ breeze --help
  bgp           Show BGP Information
  config        CLI tool to peek into Config Store module.
  decision      CLI tool to peek into Decision module.
  fib           CLI tool to peek into Fib module.
  kvstore       CLI tool to peek into KvStore module.
  lm            CLI tool to peek into Link Monitor module.
  monitor       CLI tool to peek into Monitor module.
  openr         CLI tool to peek into Openr information.
  perf          CLI tool to view latest perf log of each module.
  prefixmgr     CLI tool to peek into Prefix Manager module.
  spark         CLI tool to peek into Spark information.
  tech-support  Extensive logging of Open/R's state for debugging

Sub Commands

Each of the above list of terms is a subcommand. You can get futher information about each by asking for help on that specific subcommand.

$ breeze decision --help
Usage: breeze decision [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  CLI tool to peek into Decision module.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  adj                   dump the link-state adjacencies from Decision module
  path                  path from src to dst
  received-routes       Show routes this node is advertising.
  rib-policy            Show currently configured RibPolicy
  routes                Request the routing table from Decision module
  routes-computed       Request the routing table from Decision module
  validate              Check all prefix & adj dbs in Decision against that...

The submodule themselves then have subcommands to do different interactions with that Open/R module.

Please refer to the Protocol Guide for more information about each Open/R module.

Bash Autocompletion

To get auto-completion in your bash shell, simply copy eval "$(_BREEZE_COMPLETE=source breeze)" to your ~/.bashrc.

Remote Connecting

breeze can remote connect to a device to run a command. This is due to thrift being a TCP/IP protocol and Open/R (by default) listening on all interfaces. Please note, firewalls etc. can block this from working.

$ breeze -H decision adj
Neighbor                        Local Intf    Remote Intf      Metric    Label  NextHop-v4    NextHop-v6                 Uptime      Area  fboss4005     fboss2075             1        0  fe80::d8c4:97ff:fed0:58dd  20h32m         0  fboss4006     fboss2075             1        0  fe80::d8c4:97ff:fed0:5484  20h32m         0  fboss4007     fboss2075             1        0  fe80::d8c4:97ff:fece:357c  20h32m         0  fboss4008     fboss2075             1        0  fe80::d8c4:97ff:fece:3081  20h32m         0  fboss4001     fboss2075             1        0  fe80::d8c4:97ff:fed0:564c  20h32m         0  fboss4002     fboss2075             1        0  fe80::d8c4:97ff:fed0:5409  20h32m         0  fboss4003     fboss2075             1        0  fe80::d8c4:97ff:fece:326a  20h32m         0  fboss4004     fboss2075             1        0  fe80::d8c4:97ff:fece:3048  20h32m         0

Debugging Open/R with breeze

breeze can be daunting as it has so many sub-commands. This section attempts to walk through debugging Open/R modules in an order that makes sesnse due to the dependencies on one another. For example, we can not have an Prefixes in the FIB if Decision’s RIB has no learnt prefixes from neighbors to program.

Is Open/R alive and running?

First thing’s first, is Open/R running and ready to function? We can check this by seeing if the Open/R Thrift server is responding. To check this you can use:

breeze -H openr version
Build Information
  Built by: twsvcscm
  Built on: Wed Dec  9 03:25:18 2020
  Built at:
  Build path: /data/sandcastle/boxes/eden-trunk-hg-fbcode-fbsource/fbcode
  Package Name: openr
  Package Version: 0a3cbfb5470544c7ae4c6aedbcecba76
  Package Release:
  Build Revision: 33db95770f06b99200c4f76fc320a2bafe0adde5
  Build Upstream Revision: 33db95770f06b99200c4f76fc320a2bafe0adde5
  Build Platform: platform007
  Build Rule: fbcode:openr:openr (cpp_binary, buck, opt)
Open Source Version                   :  20200825
Lowest Supported Open Source Version  :  20200604

Run sanity checks to try and narrow down the issue

The command breeze openr validate will run a series of sanity checks for each module, and report additional information in the case of failure. Specific information about each check can be found in the Validation section of each sub command.

Example with everything passing:

$ breeze openr validate
[Spark] Neighbor State Check: PASS
Total Neighbors: 96, Neigbors in ESTABLISHED State: 96, Neighbors in Other States: 0
[Spark] Initialization Event Check: PASS
Time elapsed for event, NEIGHBOR_DISCOVERED, since Open/R started: 18309ms
[Spark] Neighbor Regex Matching Check: PASS
Neighbor Regexes: {'rva1.f01.s001': ['fsw.*'], 'rva.slice001': ['fa.*']}
[Link Monitor] Initialization Event Check: PASS
Time elapsed for event, LINK_DISCOVERED, since Open/R started: 16308ms
[Link Monitor] Interface Regex Check: PASS
[Kvstore] Prefix And Adjacency Key Advertisement Check: PASS
[Kvstore] Peer State Check: PASS
[Kvstore] Key Ttl Check: PASS
Configured Time-To-Live(TTL): 3600000ms, Threshold to alarm: 2700000ms
[Kvstore] Initialization Event Check: PASS
Time elapsed for event, KVSTORE_SYNCED, since Open/R started: 19606ms
Openr-Decision:unicast and Openr-Fib:unicast routing table match
Openr-Decision:mpls and Openr-Fib:mpls routing table match
Route validation successful
[Decision] Initialization Event Check: PASS
Time elapsed for event, RIB_COMPUTED, since Open/R started: 19782ms
[Decision] Running validation checks on area: rva.slice001
[Decision] Adj Table For Decision And Kvstore Match Check: PASS
[Decision] Prefix Table For Decision And Kvstore Match Check: PASS
[Decision] Running validation checks on area: rva1.f01.s001
[Decision] Adj Table For Decision And Kvstore Match Check: PASS
[Decision] Prefix Table For Decision And Kvstore Match Check: PASS
[Prefixmanager] Initialization Event Check: PASS
Time elapsed for event, PREFIX_DB_SYNCED, since Open/R started: 20297ms

Example with some decision checks failing:

$ breeze openr validate
[Spark] Neighbor State Check: PASS
Total Neighbors: 96, Neigbors in ESTABLISHED State: 96, Neighbors in Other States: 0
[Spark] Initialization Event Check: PASS
Time elapsed for event, NEIGHBOR_DISCOVERED, since Open/R started: 18309ms
[Spark] Neighbor Regex Matching Check: PASS
Neighbor Regexes: {'rva1.f01.s001': ['fsw.*'], 'rva.slice001': ['fa.*']}
[Link Monitor] Initialization Event Check: PASS
Time elapsed for event, LINK_DISCOVERED, since Open/R started: 16308ms
[Link Monitor] Interface Regex Check: PASS
[Kvstore] Prefix And Adjacency Key Advertisement Check: PASS
[Kvstore] Peer State Check: PASS
[Kvstore] Key Ttl Check: PASS
Configured Time-To-Live(TTL): 3600000ms, Threshold to alarm: 2700000ms
[Kvstore] Initialization Event Check: PASS
Time elapsed for event, KVSTORE_SYNCED, since Open/R started: 19606ms
Openr-Decision:unicast and Openr-Fib:unicast routing table match
Openr-Decision:mpls and Openr-Fib:mpls routing table match
Route validation successful
[Decision] Initialization Event Check: PASS
Time elapsed for event, RIB_COMPUTED, since Open/R started: 19782ms
[Decision] Running validation checks on area: rva.slice001
[Decision] Adj Table For Decision And Kvstore Match Check: PASS
> node fsw001.p106.f01.rva1's prefix db in Decision but not in KvStore

> node fsw001.p107.f01.rva1's prefix db in Decision but not in KvStore

> node fsw001.p108.f01.rva1's prefix db in Decision but not in KvStore

[Decision] Prefix Table For Decision And Kvstore Match Check: FAIL
[Decision] Running validation checks on area: rva1.f01.s001
[Decision] Adj Table For Decision And Kvstore Match Check: PASS
[Decision] Prefix Table For Decision And Kvstore Match Check: PASS
[Prefixmanager] Initialization Event Check: PASS
Time elapsed for event, PREFIX_DB_SYNCED, since Open/R started: 20297ms

What interfaces is Open/R configured to perform neighbor discovery over?

Lets see what interface(s) Open/R is trying to form adjacencies on:

breeze -H lm links
Certificate will not expire

== Node Overload: NO  ==

Interface    Status    Metric Override    Addresses
-----------  --------  -----------------  -----------------------
fboss11      Up
fboss4001    Up
fboss4002    Up
fboss4003    Up
fboss4004    Up
fboss4005    Up
fboss4006    Up
fboss4007    Up
fboss4008    Up

Who has Open/R formed adjacencies with?

Lets see if we have an adjacency on each link we expect:

$ breeze -H decision adj
Neighbor                        Local Intf    Remote Intf      Metric    Label  NextHop-v4    NextHop-v6                 Uptime      Area  fboss4005     fboss2075             1        0  fe80::d8c4:97ff:fed0:58dd  20h37m         0  fboss4006     fboss2075             1        0  fe80::d8c4:97ff:fed0:5484  20h37m         0  fboss4007     fboss2075             1        0  fe80::d8c4:97ff:fece:357c  20h37m         0  fboss4008     fboss2075             1        0  fe80::d8c4:97ff:fece:3081  20h37m         0  fboss4001     fboss2075             1        0  fe80::d8c4:97ff:fed0:564c  20h37m         0  fboss4002     fboss2075             1        0  fe80::d8c4:97ff:fed0:5409  20h37m         0  fboss4003     fboss2075             1        0  fe80::d8c4:97ff:fece:326a  20h37m         0  fboss4004     fboss2075             1        0  fe80::d8c4:97ff:fece:3048  20h37m         0
  • Please note: Forming an adjacency (adj) is a neighbor adjacency in Open/R

    • Similiar concept to BGP Peering

What routes do we have in our RIB?

Open/R takes all routes from neigbors (after applying policy) and stores them in the RIB. If there is no routes in the RIB, the FIB can have no Open/R routes. So it makes sense to see if there is anythig in the RIB before looking at the FIB.

$ breeze -H decision routes
== Unicast Routes for  ==

  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1

  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1

What routes have made it to the FIB?

After confirming we have route(s) in the RIB, lets see if what has made it to the FIB makes sense!

== Unicast Routes for  ==

  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1

  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1
  via weight 1

By going through all these steps we have checked:

  • Open/R is running

  • Where it’s trying to form adjacencies

  • Current Adjacencies

  • Current RIB entries

  • Current FIB entries

Module Specific breeze Examples

KvStore Commands


You can identify all nodes in a network based on the content of KvStore.

$ breeze kvstore nodes

Node     V6-Loopback            V4-Loopback
-------  ---------------------  --------------
* node1  fc00:cafe:babe::1/128
> node2  fc00:cafe:babe::2/128
> node3  fc00:cafe:babe::3/128
> node4  fc00:cafe:babe::4/128

Prefix/Adjacency Database

Each node announces to the KvStore an Adjacency database, modeled as a list of neighbors, and a Prefix database, the list of prefixes announced from that node. Since every node has the same content in its KvStore (you can think of it as an eventually consistent distributed database), each node has global knowledge of the network.

By default prefixes and adj KvStore commands will show information for local node only unless specified with --nodes=all or --nodes=<node1>,<node2>.

// See prefixes of a current node (node1)

$ breeze kvstore prefixes

> node1 prefixes

// See adjacencies of node3

$ breeze kvstore adj --nodes=node3

> node3 adjacencies, version: 4, Node Label: 43049, Overloaded?: False
Neighbor    Local Interface    Remote Interface      Metric    Weight    Adj Label  NextHop-v4    NextHop-v6                 Uptime
node4       if_3_4_0           if_4_3_0                   1         1        50007    fe80::f498:41ff:fe0c:6c23  2m57s
node1       if_3_1_0           if_1_3_0                   1         1        50006    fe80::90be:bbff:fe2b:d4f7  2m57s

// See adjacencies of all nodes in a network

$ breeze kvstore adj --nodes=all

Inspect KvStore Content

More fun with KvStore. Read-write operations on replicated datastore via breeze CLI.

  • List keys in KvStore. Print all keys along with their TTL information.

$ breeze kvstore keys --ttl

Key                   OriginatorId      Version  TTL (HH:MM:SS)      TTL Version
--------------------  --------------  ---------  ----------------  -------------
adj:node1             node1                   4  0:05:00                       5
adj:node2             node2                   4  0:05:00                       5
adj:node3             node3                   4  0:05:00                       5
adj:node4             node4                   2  0:05:00                       5
allocprefix:16185099  node1                   1  0:05:00                       5
allocprefix:2710045   node2                   1  0:05:00                       5
allocprefix:401583    node3                   1  0:05:00                       5
allocprefix:6678890   node4                   1  0:05:00                       5
nodeLabel:1           node4                   1  0:05:00                       5
nodeLabel:19385       node2                   1  0:05:00                       5
nodeLabel:41983       node1                   1  0:05:00                       5
nodeLabel:43049       node3                   1  0:05:00                       5
prefix:node1          node1                   4  0:05:00                       5
prefix:node2          node2                   4  0:05:00                       5
prefix:node3          node3                   4  0:05:00                       5
prefix:node4          node4                   4  0:05:00                       5
  • List specific key-values

$ breeze kvstore keyvals nodeLabel:1

> nodeLabel:1 ---
00000000: 01 00 00 00                                       ....
  • Add some custom key

// Set key with 60 seconds validity
$ breeze kvstore set-key test-key test-value --version=1 --ttl=60
Success: Set key test-key with version 1 and ttl 60000 successfully in KvStore.
This does not guarantee that value is updated in KvStore as old value can be
persisted back
  • Get the key we just set

$ breeze kvstore keys --prefix=test-key --ttl

Key       OriginatorId      Version  TTL (HH:MM:SS)      TTL Version
--------  --------------  ---------  ----------------  -------------
test-key  breeze                  1  0:01:00                       1

$ breeze kvstore keyvals test-key

> test-key --- test-value
  • Override the old value with a new one with a higher version

$ breeze kvstore set-key test-key test-value --version=2 --ttl=60
Success: Set key test-key with version 1 and ttl 60000 successfully in KvStore.
This does not guarantee that value is updated in KvStore as old value can be
persisted back

$ breeze kvstore keyvals test-key

> test-key --- new-test-value
  • Erase key from KvStore. It is performed by setting TTL of the key to zero.

NOTE: You shouldn’t try to erase keys originated by Open/R NOTE: Erase only happens on all nodes reachable from the current node. Any node momentarily disconnected from the network might bring back the key you just erased.

$ breeze kvstore erase-key test-key
Success: key test-key will be erased soon from all KvStores.

KvStore Compare

Get the delta between contents of two KvStores. By default, the command will compare each pair of nodes in the network. It will output nothing if the kvstores are synced between nodes. There should be no difference if nodes are part of the same network.

$ breeze kvstore kv-compare --nodes='fc00:cafe:babe::3'
dumped kv from fc00:cafe:babe::3

KvStore Signature

Returns a signature of the contents of the KV store for comparison with other nodes. In case of a mismatch, use kv-compare to analyze differences.

$ breeze kvstore kv-signature
sha256: d0bd6722917451be2f56a9b1e720ecffeb7e45f9c0e842d62dc90c1d047d870f


The KvStore of a node is connected to the KvStores of all immediate neighbors. All updates are flooded via PUB/SUB channels between these stores and they guarantee eventual consistency of data on all nodes. This command shows information about a node’s KvStore peers and details of the connections.

$ breeze kvstore peers

== node1's peers  ==

Peer    State        Address                               Port  Area
------  -----------  ----------------------------------  ------  ------------------
node2   INITIALIZED  fe80::2421:5ff:fe42:f9e%if_1_2_1      2018  non-default-areaId
node5   INITIALIZED  fe80::3c7f:72ff:fec4:497c%if_1_5_1    2018  non-default-areaId


Live snooping on KV-store updates in the network.

$ breeze -H 2401:db00:2120:20ed:feed::1 kvstore snoop

> Key: test-key update
version:         -->  1
originatorId:    -->  breeze

> Key: test-key update
version:  1  -->  2

> Key: test-key got expired


Live snooping on KV-store updates in the network with filter specified.

$ breeze kvstore snoop -r "adj:" -r "prefix" -c "node1" -c "node2" --match-all -r "test"

Timestamp: 2020-09-10 09:08:01.734
> node2's prefixes
+ da00:cafe:babe:29:5a1d::/80

Timestamp: 2020-09-10 09:08:01.735
> node1's prefixes
+ da00:cafe:babe:f6:f70b::/80

Timestamp: 2020-09-10 09:08:01.736
> node1's prefixes
+ fc00:cafe:babe::1/128

Timestamp: 2020-09-10 09:08:01.737
> node1's prefixes

Timestamp: 2020-09-10 09:08:01.737
> node2's prefixes
+ fc00:cafe:babe::2/128

Timestamp: 2020-09-10 09:08:01.738
> node2's prefixes

Kvstore Validate

Runs the following checks:

  • The target node is advertising at least one adj key and one prefix key from its local kvstore. On failure this check will print out the advertisement status of both types of keys.

  • All peers are in the INITIALIZED state. On failure this check will print out information about peers which are not in the INITIALIZED state:

  • All keys in the target node’s local kvstore have a TTL above 3/4 of the defined maximum TTL. On failure, print out information about keys which have a TTL below 3/4 of the defined maximum.

  • The KVSTORE_SYNCED initialization event has been published within a time limit. On failure, an error message will indicate whether the check failed because the initialization event has not been published, or if it was published but exceeded acceptable time limits. Output if all checks pass:

$ breeze kvstore validate
[Kvstore] Prefix And Adjacency Key Advertisement Check: PASS
[Kvstore] Peer State Check: PASS
[Kvstore] Key Ttl Check: PASS
Configured Time-To-Live(TTL): 3600000ms, Threshold to alarm: 2700000ms
[Kvstore] Initialization Event Check: PASS
Time elapsed for event, KVSTORE_SYNCED, since Open/R started: 2566ms

Output if all checks fail:

$ breeze kvstore validate
[Kvstore] Prefix And Adjacency Key Advertisement Check: FAIL
Local node has advertised an adjacency key: FAIL
Local node has advertised a prefix key: PASS
[Kvstore] Peer State Check: FAIL
Information about peers in other states:

== node1's peers  ==

Peer    State        Address                               Port  Area
------  -----------  ----------------------------------  ------  ------------------
node2   IDLE  fe80::2421:5ff:fe42:f9e%if_1_2_1      2018  non-default-areaId
node5   IDLE  fe80::3c7f:72ff:fec4:497c%if_1_5_1    2018  non-default-areaId
[Kvstore] Key Ttl Check: FAIL
Configured Time-To-Live(TTL): 3600000ms, Threshold to alarm: 2700000ms
Key-Value pairs with unexpected low TTL:

== KvStore Data - 16 keys, 972 B  ==

Key                   Originator      Ver  Hash               Size    Area                TTL - Ver
--------------------  ------------  -----  -----------------  ------  ------------------  --------------------
allocprefix:10215106  node12            1  +669bbca555202565  62 B    non-default-areaId  0:04:35.190000 - 130
allocprefix:12161659  node9             1  -510dcedceef62388  61 B    non-default-areaId  0:04:35.710000 - 130
[Kvstore] Initialization Event Check: FAIL
KVSTORE_SYNCED event is not published

Decision Commands

Adjacency/Prefixes Database

Dump the link-state and prefixes databases from Decision module.

$ breeze decision adj

> node1 adjacencies, version: N/A, Node Label: 41983, Overloaded?: False
Neighbor    Local Interface    Remote Interface      Metric    Weight    Adj Label  NextHop-v4    NextHop-v6                 Uptime
node2       if_1_2_0           if_2_1_0                   1         1        50006    fe80::e0fd:b7ff:fe23:e73f  1h37m
node3       if_1_3_0           if_3_1_0                   1         1        50007    fe80::ecf4:d3ff:fef1:4cb6  1h37m

$ breeze decision received-routes all

Markers: * - One of the best entries, @ - The best entry
Acronyms: SP - Source Preference, PP - Path Preference, D - Distance
          MN - Min-Nexthops

   Source                               FwdAlgo      FwdType  SP     PP     D      MN

> fd00:5::/64, 1/1
*@ openr-center area2                   SP_ECMP      IP       200    1000   0      -

> fd00:4::/64, 1/1
*@ openr-center area2                   SP_ECMP      IP       200    1000   0      -

> fd00:6::/64, 1/1
*@ openr-right area2                    SP_ECMP      IP       200    1000   0      -

> fd00:7::/64, 1/1
*@ openr-right area2                    SP_ECMP      IP       200    1000   0      -


List all the paths from a source node to a destination node based on the link-state information in Decision module. Flag the paths that are actually programmed into Fib module with *.

$ breeze decision path --src=node1 --dst=node4
2 paths are found.

  Hop  NextHop Node    Interface      Metric  NextHop-v6
    1  node2           if_1_2_0            2  fe80::e0fd:b7ff:fe23:e73f
    2  node4           if_2_4_0            1  fe80::9cdb:34ff:fe41:9790

  Hop  NextHop Node    Interface      Metric  NextHop-v6
    1  node3           if_1_3_0            2  fe80::ecf4:d3ff:fef1:4cb6
    2  node4           if_3_4_0            1  fe80::f498:41ff:fe0c:6c23


Request the computed routing table

$ breeze decision routes

via metric 1

via metric 1

via metric 2
via metric 2

> da00:cafe:babe:29:5a1d::/80
via fe80::e0fd:b7ff:fe23:e73f@if_1_2_0 metric 1

> da00:cafe:babe:65:e96a::/80
via fe80::e0fd:b7ff:fe23:e73f@if_1_2_0 metric 2
via fe80::ecf4:d3ff:fef1:4cb6@if_1_3_0 metric 2

> da00:cafe:babe:6:20af::/80
via fe80::ecf4:d3ff:fef1:4cb6@if_1_3_0 metric 1

> fc00:cafe:babe::2/128
via fe80::e0fd:b7ff:fe23:e73f@if_1_2_0 metric 1

> fc00:cafe:babe::3/128
via fe80::ecf4:d3ff:fef1:4cb6@if_1_3_0 metric 1

> fc00:cafe:babe::4/128
via fe80::e0fd:b7ff:fe23:e73f@if_1_2_0 metric 2
via fe80::ecf4:d3ff:fef1:4cb6@if_1_3_0 metric 2


  • Checks if the RIB_COMPUTED initialization event has been published within acceptable time limits. In the case of failure prints out whether or not the event has been published

  • For each of the configured areas of the target node, checks if the adj and prefix table for kvstore and decision match. If the check fails, prints out entries which are in one db but not the other.

$ breeze decision validate
[Decision] Initialization Event Check: PASS
Time elapsed for event, RIB_COMPUTED, since Open/R started: 2566ms
[Decision] Running validation checks on area: non-default-areaId
[Decision] Adj Table For Decision And Kvstore Match Check: PASS
[Decision] Prefix Table For Decision And Kvstore Match Check: PASS

LinkMonitor Commands

set/unset node overload

Setting node overload will maintain reachability to/from this node but it will not use the node for transit traffic.

  • Set node overload

$ breeze lm set-node-overload

Are you sure to set overload bit for node node1 ? [yn] y
Successfully set overload bit..
  • See that it is reflected in its adjacency DB

$ breeze kvstore adj

> node1 adjacencies, version: 10, Node Label: 41983, Overloaded?: True
Neighbor    Local Interface    Remote Interface      Metric    Weight    Adj Label  NextHop-v4    NextHop-v6                 Uptime
node2       if_1_2_0           if_2_1_0                   1         1        50006    fe80::e0fd:b7ff:fe23:e73f  1h51m
node3       if_1_3_0           if_3_1_0                   1         1        50007    fe80::ecf4:d3ff:fef1:4cb6  1h51m
  • Unset node overload

$ breeze lm unset-node-overload

Are you sure to unset overload bit for node node1 ? [yn] y
Successfully unset overload bit..


  • Checks if the LINK_DISCOVERED initialization event has been published within acceptable time limits. If the check fails, prints whether or not the event has been published

  • For each interface, checks if it matches atleast one inclusion regex of any configured area, and does not match any exclusion regexes. If the interface does not match any inclsuion regex, checks if it matches the redistribution interface regex. On failure prints out information about the interfaces which fail these qualifications

$ breeze lm validate
[Link Monitor] Initialization Event Check: PASS
Time elapsed for event, LINK_DISCOVERED, since Open/R started: 565ms
[Link Monitor] Interface Regex Check: PASS

PrefixManager Commands

PrefixManager exposes APIs to list, advertise and withdraw prefixes into the network for the current node.

List Advertised Routes

  • List advertised prefixes by current node

$ breeze prefixmgr advertised-routes all

Markers: * - One of the best entries, @ - The best entry
Acronyms: SP - Source Preference, PP - Path Preference, D - Distance
          MN - Min-Nexthops

   Source                               FwdAlgo      FwdType  SP     PP     D      MN

> 2803:6081:2874::/46, 1/1
*@ BGP                                  SP_ECMP      SR_MPLS  100    1000   2      24

> 2401:db00:106c:1d00::/56, 1/1
*@ BGP                                  SP_ECMP      SR_MPLS  100    1000   2      24
  • Withdraw advertised routes

$ breeze prefixmgr withdraw face:b00c::/80
Withdrew face:b00c::/80

NOTE: You can use different a prefix-type while advertising/syncing routes with the --prefix-type option


  • Checks if the PREFIX_DB_SYNCED initialization event has been published

$ breeze prefixmgr validate
[Prefixmanager] Initialization Event Check: PASS
Time elapsed for event, PREFIX_DB_SYNCED, since Open/R started: 2567ms

Config Commands

Config is stored as opaque key-values on the disk. Here are APIs to read and update it.

List configs of various modules

  • Dump link monitor config.

$ breeze config link-monitor
== Link monitor parameters stored ==

> isOverloaded: Yes

> nodeLabel: 5

> overloadedLinks: aq_2, aq_1

> linkMetricOverrides:
  • Dump prefix allocation config.

$ breeze config prefix-allocator

== Prefix Allocator parameters stored  ==

> Seed prefix:

> Allocated prefix length: 80

> Allocated prefix index: 80
  • Dump prefix manager config.

$ breeze config prefix-manager

== Prefix Manager parameters stored  ==


Store/Erase configs manually (Not so useful commands)

  • Erase a config key.

$ breeze config erase prefix-manager-config
Key erased
  • Store a config key.

$ breeze config store prefix-allocator-config /tmp/config
Key stored

Monitor Commands


Fetch and display Open/R counters. You can programmatically fetch these counters periodically via Monitor client and export them for monitoring purposes.

$ breeze monitor counters --prefix decision

decision.adj_db_update.count.0 : 16.0
decision.adj_db_update.count.3600 : 7.0
decision.adj_db_update.count.60 : 0.0
decision.adj_db_update.count.600 : 0.0
decision.path_build_runs.count.0 : 30.0
decision.path_build_runs.count.3600 : 22.0
decision.path_build_runs.count.60 : 0.0
decision.path_build_runs.count.600 : 0.0
decision.prefix_db_update.count.0 : 10.0
decision.prefix_db_update.count.3600 : 3.0
decision.prefix_db_update.count.60 : 0.0
decision.prefix_db_update.count.600 : 0.0
decision.spf.multipath_ms.avg.0 : 0.0
decision.spf.multipath_ms.avg.3600 : 0.0
decision.spf.multipath_ms.avg.60 : 0.0
decision.spf.multipath_ms.avg.600 : 0.0
decision.spf_runs.count.0 : 78.0
decision.spf_runs.count.3600 : 66.0
decision.spf_runs.count.60 : 0.0
decision.spf_runs.count.600 : 0.0

FIB Commands

FIB is the only platform-specific part of Open/R. FibAgent runs as a separate service on the node which is primarily responsible for managing the routing tables on the node. Breeze also exposes commands to interact with FibAgent.

List/Add/Delete route via breeze!

NOTE: You don’t need to do this but they are just for fun!

This command only shows how to add/del routes. You can instead use the sync command to replace all existing routing entries with newly specified routes.

  • List routes

$ breeze -H leb01.labdca1 fib routes-installed

== leb01.labdca1's FIB routes ==


> 2620:0:1cff:dead:bef1:ffff:ffff:2/128
via fe80::21c:73ff:fe3c:e50c@Port-Channel1201
  • Add new route

# add route
$ breeze -H leb01.labdca1 fib add '' '' 32
Added 1 routes.

# list routes
$ breeze -H leb01.labdca1 fib routes-installed

== leb01.labdca1's FIB routes ==



> 2620:0:1cff:dead:bef1:ffff:ffff:2/128
via fe80::21c:73ff:fe3c:e50c@Port-Channel1201
  • Delete existing routes

# delete routes
$ breeze -H leb01.labdca1 fib del '' 32
Deleted 1 routes.

// list routes
$ breeze -H leb01.labdca1 fib routes-installed

== leb01.labdca1's FIB routes ==


> 2620:0:1cff:dead:bef1:ffff:ffff:2/128
via fe80::21c:73ff:fe3c:e50c@Port-Channel1201

Syncing routes

You can use sync API to synchronize routing table with fresh routing table entries.

$ breeze -H leb01.labdca1 fib routes-installed

== leb01.labdca1's FIB routes ==


> 2620:0:1cff:dead:bef1:ffff:ffff:2/128
via fe80::21c:73ff:fe3c:e50c@Port-Channel1201

$ breeze -H leb01.labdca1 fib sync '' ''
Reprogrammed FIB with 0 routes.
$ breeze -H leb01.labdca1 fib routes-installed

== leb01.labdca1's FIB routes ==

Validation for platforms routes checking

One can validate command to validate if the platform (e.g. kernel routing table) has all the routes that Open/R intended to program. In case of a mismatch, the discrepancies will be reported to help debugging.

$ breeze fib validate
Fib and Kernel routing table match

An example of reporting discrepancy

$ breeze fib validate
Fib and Kernel routing table do not match
Routes in kernel but not in Fib

> fc00:cafe:babe::999/128
via fe80::1@terra_241_3

Spark Commands


Sends a yes/no prompt, then gracefully restarts, sending a notifying message

$ breeze spark graceful-restart
Are you sure to force sending GR msg to neighbors? [yn] y
Successfully forcing to send GR msgs.


prints information about all discovered neighbors of the local node

$ breeze spark neighbors

 Neighbor    State        Latest Event    Local Intf    Remote Intf    Area                  Rtt(us)
----------  -----------  --------------  ------------  -------------  ------------------  ---------
node2       ESTABLISHED  HANDSHAKE_RCVD  if_1_2_3      if_2_1_3       non-default-areaId       1000
node2       ESTABLISHED  HANDSHAKE_RCVD  if_1_2_2      if_2_1_2       non-default-areaId       1000
node2       ESTABLISHED  HANDSHAKE_RCVD  if_1_2_1      if_2_1_1       non-default-areaId       1000
node5       ESTABLISHED  HANDSHAKE_RCVD  if_1_5_1      if_5_1_1       non-default-areaId       1000
node5       ESTABLISHED  HANDSHAKE_RCVD  if_1_5_3      if_5_1_3       non-default-areaId       1000
node5       ESTABLISHED  HANDSHAKE_RCVD  if_1_5_2      if_5_1_2       non-default-areaId       1000


  • Checks if all discovered neighbors are in ESTABLISHED state. On failure, prints information about neighbors which are not

  • Checks if all neighbors match at least one neighbor regex defined in the configured areas of the local node

  • Checks if the NEIGHBOR_DISCOVERED initialization event has been published within acceptable time limits

$ breeze spark validate
[Spark] Neighbor State Check: PASS
Total Neighbors: 6, Neigbors in ESTABLISHED State: 6, Neighbors in Other States: 0
[Spark] Initialization Event Check: PASS
Time elapsed for event, NEIGHBOR_DISCOVERED, since Open/R started: 2566ms
[Spark] Neighbor Regex Matching Check: PASS
Neighbor Regexes: {'non-default-areaId': ['.*']}