# Open/R Initialization Process This document provides formal specifications, event flow chart, and formal verification of Open/R’s initialization process. ## Overview --- The initialization process is an ordered flow of **Events** in the system that adheres to subsequently defined **Expectations** and **Formal Specifications**. ### Highlights - Support all cases - Cold Start & Graceful Restart - Deterministic initialization process that adheres to formal specifications. - Signal based approach as opposed to timer based. No timers to configure for the initialization process. - Visibility into Open/R's initialization process and its performance. This can be recorded and monitor via standard monitoring paradigms - Counters, Structured Logs, and Thrift APIs. - Improved understanding of initialization process & its implementation. Thus easier to maintain and evolve code. ### Expectations Support all cases - Cold Start or Graceful Restart (aka GR) Should be non disruptive (no packet drop) throughout the startup process Respect operational state (e.g. drain) throughout the initialization process ## Events --- Here we describe all the events that take part in Open/R's initialization process. Order of events is described in Event Flow Chart below. ### AGENT_CONFIGURED Underlying SwitchAgent is configured. After this event SwitchAgent would report all available interfaces and enable control plane IO. This means Open/R can communicate with neighboring nodes via inband interfaces. Implementation - `getSwitchState` Thrift API result from SwitchAgent ### LINK_DISCOVERED Open/R has discovered all the links, aka interfaces, and their associated addresses of the system for the first time after starting up. Implementation - First successful `GET_LINKS` API call via netlink ### NEIGHBOR_DISCOVERED Open/R has discovered all the neighbors that it could on the discovered links. These neighbors are also **added** as **KvStore peers** as and when they are discovered. Implementation - Neighbor Discovery is initiated on all the discovered Links in fast mode with solicited response requirements. Based on current implementation, Open/R, can discover neighbors within the fast neighbor discovery window. A timer based signal to be generated once a fast neighbor discovery window completes on all the discovered interfaces to trigger this event. NOTE - Discovered neighbors are not announced as Adjacency in KvStore ### KVSTORE_SYNCED All the KvStore peers are synchronized. This means the **KvStore** instance of the local node is **consistent** with all other instances in **the network**. NOTE - Any subsequent update to KvStore on any node would be flooded to all instances of area KvStore, and an eventual consistency would be achieved. ### SR_SID_ALLOCATED All Segment Routing (SR) Segment Identifiers (SIDs) (e.g. NodeSID) are allocated for the starting node. Certain labels e.g. NodeSID can be allocated via distributed computation using RangeAllocator. NOTE - The SID allocation must not affect existing SID allocation of other participating nodes in the network. ### PREFIX_DB_SYNCED A node has synchronized all of the route advertisements, aka prefix entries, to KvStore. Along with addition or update of entries, it also cleans up any stale prefix entries from any previous incarnation. ### RIB_COMPUTED First route computation event of the local node. This computation is intended to produce the Routing Information Base (RIB) of the node. ### FIB_SYNCED Computed RIB is programmed to the underlying Forwarding Information Base (FIB). ### INITIALIZED This would **unblock** the special flag of **AdjOnlyUsedByOtherNode** on neighboring nodes to complete bi-directional adjacency establishment for path computation and start pouring traffic to node which undergoes INITIALIZATION sequence. ## Formal Specification (FS) --- Formal specification defines the constraints in the system that are important to the correct functioning of the system. 1. Control Plane IO readiness is a must for inter-node communication aka Neighbor Discovery & KvStore communications. 2. All neighbors must be discovered and added as KvStore peers to ensure KvStore’s eventual consistency with all other instances in the network. 3. KvStore Consistency is a must for any distributed computation to function correctly. E.g. loop-free routing, uniqueness of Node SID allocation 4. All active nodes (part of KvStore topology) must perform computation immediately upon receipt of KvStore update. KvStore consistency guarantees correctness of Distributed Computation (e.g. Routes). 5. Any computed route must be programmed (add/update) as soon as after it's computation. This ensures that distributed computation that is loop-free also ensures that forwarding is loop-free, and also guarantees reachability in intermediate nodes of one route path. 6. Distributed computation in an area may result in micro-loops as all the Nodes in Area converge to a new state. We term this as the **Convergence Cycle**. This should be fine as long as it is less than the defined threshold. 7. For the restarting node, the FIB_SYNCED event must not result in any update. This ensures that restart is graceful. This assumes there is no network event throughout the restart and restart completes within GR window. 8. RIB Computation and Programming must happen to facilitate area route redistribution 9. The restarting node should advertise the same Adjacencies and Prefixes as before to respect GR. Any intended change in Adjacencies or Prefixes through configuration, will be realized in KvStore only after initialized state. 10. Any node (including restarting) shouldn’t cause any RIB update to respect GR. On any RIB update, a node should drop the adjacencies with the restarting node. For practical purposes, we only drop adjacencies with the restarting node on "Topology Update". ## Event Flow Chart --- The diagram below defines the order of events throughout the Initialization process. Red boxes represents external signal. **Initialized** state represents that node is part of network and routing packets actively. ![Open/R Initialization Process Event Flow Chart](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1482609/123338843-57844500-d4fe-11eb-9b9a-c34a5bda9e27.png) **Note - Prefix & Adjacency update in KvStore** Any advertisement in KvStore by the initializing node that can affect forwarding state shouldn’t happen before the local node starts route computation and programming. By making Prefix and Adjacency advertisements in KvStore to depend on `FIB_SYNCED` would ensure that FS(4) is respected. **Note - Prefix database sync** Redistribution of routes across the area is based on RIB routes. For a restarting node it must wait for `FIB_SYNCED` to receive a full copy of RIB routes before syncing routes in KvStore. If a node doesn’t await then it may end up withdrawing the RIB prefixes from KvStore. They’ll be added back once first RIB computation/programming completes. **Note - Adjacency & Prefix database sync** We considered both approaches where an initializing node synchronized its adjacency database in parallel to or after the prefix database synchronization in KvStore. Synchronizing Adjacency database in parallel to Prefix database may end up using stale prefixes in KvStore from previous instantiation. This would get fixed as soon as the Prefix database synchronizes. However, we can avoid this altogether by performing Adjacency synchronization after Prefix synchronization. ## Implementation --- **Important Note** - This work is in progress. So everything described here may not be fully implemented. The Event Flow Chart above describes the order of initialization, but it doesn’t express how to implement it. Below we describe incremental steps for implementation such that code can be deployed at any stage to production. Every step would benefit us and bring us closer to the final solution. 1. Introduce events - `NEIGHBOR_DISCOVERED`, `KVSTORE_SYNCED` 2. Decision to await for `KVSTORE_SYNCED` event to begin it's route computation. This makes route computation a signal-based approach. This step marks RIB_COMOUTED event. 3. Fib begins it's first route programming on receipt of update from Decision. This removes dependency on `fib_hold_time_s` config parameter and makes route programming signal based. First successful sync would publish a fib update and marks `FIB_SYNCED` event. 4. PrefixManager would perform `PREFIX_DB_SYNC` on receipt of first FIB update and mark `PREFIX_DB_SYNC` event. 5. LinkMonitor would need to learn `PREFIX_DB_SYNC` and perform `ADJACENCY_DB_SYNC` in KvStore 6. Spark would implement a new state for Neighbor, that signifies the neighbor is available for KvStore peering but corresponding adjacency can't be used for routing, aka `Hold State`. Spark would need to learn `ADJACENCY_DB_SYNC` from LinkMonitor and declare adjacency usable for routing as well. This would be an interesting and non-trivial engineering work. 7. OpenrCtrlHandler - Expose events and their timestamps via thrift APIs. This would provide complete visibility into the Initialization Process. Measure duration of overall initialization time and track it as a performance metric. 8. Integrate details of initialization in `breeze openr status` CLI